Whether you’re a seasoned polo shirt aficionado or a polo first timer - From sports club to conference, from date night to playing with your kids in the park, at Frebano we can show you a whole new way to sport your polo.
We are a home to the worlds finest Cotton: Carefully chosen to highlight our sewing techniques and create a perfect polo.
Distinction in the Details - A wide range of polos with colour variations and varities. From plain and simple to button down, zipper polos to self made collar we at Frebano are fanatic about creating, experimenting and trying out to new styles.
A Polo made to Fit: Exclusivity, Elegance & Unique Experience
According to information drawn from the CDC, the likelihood of you contracting the virus from your clothes is considered low if not zero, especially since there's no evidence that the virus can sur...
I think you can try the luxe in more colours like light colours and dark too and in long sleeves you can go with white coller and other colours . I think it will be good